Friday, September 7, 2012

Krulos from DINO-RIDERS!!!

This piece is hella-nostalgic. When I was a kid, all I wanted to be was a Paleontologist thanks to Jurassic Park. Likewise, I went nuts over my Lego.

Then, enter DINO-RIDERS!

I didn't have the DR toys and for some reason, it was hard as hell to see those here in the Philippines at that time. The next best thing was to make my own Dino-Riders by assembling armor and weapons using lego pieces and attaching them to my Dinosaurs. So, uh, yes, this is one nostalgic piece to work on. Jimbo and Dan are awesome!

Pencils: Jimbo Salgado
Inks: Dan Prado
Colors: ME!

1 comment:

Courtney B said...

Awesome art, and awesome subject! I would kill to have the black and white of Krulos on a t-shirt. Scratch that. I would pay between 30-40 dollars to have the black and white of Krulos on a t-shirt. You aren't on any of those artist-submitted t-shirt design sites are you?